Ningxia government delegation to Hanas LNG plant
On the afternoon of January 8, secretary of Ningxia party committee Li Jianhua, accompanied by CPPCC chairman Qi Tongshen, party secretary of Yinchuan Xu Guangguo, vice president Ma Li and other government management, visited Hanas LNG plant and launched a safety inspection. Vice president of Hanas LNG BU Wang Yong and plant manager Dietrich Roeben attended.
Li Jianhua and his delegation were given the introduction of the general and safety functioning of the plant and focused on the safe control of hazard and precautionary measure.
Mr. Li pointed out that Hanas was one of the most outstanding enterprises in Ningxia with full attention from government and was responsible for the safety in LNG production and transportation due to its high risk of accidents. Every member of the plant were supposed to attach importance to safety, constantly improve the prevention level and fully carry out their responsibilities, following the order from the state and Ningxia governments to producing safely. To achieve this, the management team must reinforce daily regulation, improve monitoring of production and safety awareness of staff and put the duty system and technical standards in place. In the meanwhile, regular safety inspections were necessary.
According to the plant manager, safety always ranks the first in Hanas, and technical standards and regulations are mature enough to secure procedures like production, storage, transportation etc. Every department carries out their responsibility to eliminate every chance of accidents.